It was 10 AM on Father’s Day when my Father told you bye,
Just two years and a day before I was born.
We never met yet I’ve tried to beget your spirit flying by
Through photographs and books that time has worn.
Dad was dating Mom and life had only just begun.
He wore that saintly name you shared with your Dad.
Now he’s 76 and he’s still slaying dragons.
And I sure love all the adventures we have had.
My oldest boy bears the middle name your wife gave to my Dad,
And they’re both taller than us now that he’s grown.
You’d be proud to know he also became an Eagle Scout,
And at 32, he has two kids of his own.
Little George was Christened today on Father’s day,
Sharing his Grandfather’s name, both first and last.
He’s so smart, you’d love His heart and his love of sports
And how at just two, he rides his bike so fast.
I’m the age you were when you went home to meet the Lord,
But God’s given me a mission yet to lead.
So on this Father’s day, I honor you and Him more
Adding weight to you from all His glorious deeds.