Holding My Hand

How many ways am I distracted to leave Your Presence?

– by shiny objects and activities around me; good things you’ve given me that I’ve allowed to become substitutes for You.
– by past hurts I won’t let You heal or my own faithless, future fantasies; devilish distortions I failed to take captive and surrender to You
– by theories and speculations; lofty opinions and envy, prideful perceptions and the cares of the world.

Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. (Psalm 73:23 ESV)

Faith For My Future

My future is a secret thing of God’s; Faith frees me to trust Him with it and from the open rebellion of worry.

I repent from doubting your promise to care for me. Help me to keep in step with your steps for me; trusting you to illumine each step, one at a time, for my good and your Glory.

Cling to Christ

It’s harder to climb out of the pit of self-pity than to avoid its crumbling edge. Living close to Jesus keeps a wide margin; I can’t be consumed with self(ish)-pity while thanks and praise occupy my thoughts and actions.

Deep Dependence

Am I aware that I have a constant need for Christ? Do I grasp that this need is my greatest strength? The two doors before me lead to my problems or His Presence; to emptiness & despair or emancipation and delight.

I choose to enter Your rest each moment; Teach me to pray always & all ways and so remain in my deep dependence on You, Your greatest gift; my greatest strength. #JesusCalling
1Th5:17; Jn16:24

Trust & Thanksgiving

Defending myself is anxiety that I am not accepted or loved; forgetting I can always trust Jesus because He cares for me. 1Pt5:7

Criticizing and complaining is a failure to be thankful, aka selfishness; forgetting Jesus meets all my needs and He cares for me.

Come Into His Presence

I begin my prayers with “Gracious Heavenly Father”; I am immediately in the Presence of the God who spoke the universe into existence; who made me His child by His grace and glory. Who am I that this should be true and yet, He loves me so it is.

This is not Jesus of Nazareth-the man, but the transfigured Lord in all His power and glory – and, amazingly, it is His life that is now my very own, transforming me into his child. In the light of His Presence, from the heights of this position, from the comfort of His embrace, all the temporal trials and fears I brought with me fade and I am free. #JesusCalling

I Am With You

I AM WITH YOU. The 4-word safety net of Jesus pivots our position; promised Presence, glorious hope of heaven.

Who have I in heaven but you, Jesus? And what better can I hope to find down here on earth. You’re my One Thing.
Ps73:23-26; Zep3:17