In the beginning, God created…

My son, Jeremy, and I visited John Brown university a few years ago. The walls of their arts center have different quotes written in a variety of typefaces.  It is an unexpectedly interesting effect.  As you come in the main doors, one of the first quotes you see is. “In the beginning, God created…

I’d never really separated this part of the sentence from the rest, as you might when doing a grammar lesson.  God (noun) created (verb) the heavens and the earth (object).  We and all creation are the objects of God’s energy in creation.  

In the beginning, God created…  Independent of the object of his creation – us – God is a creator. God is the creator.  We could simplify further.

In the beginning, God… He is the beginning and end.

But later we see that “God created man in his own image“.  If God is a creator and he created us in his image, then what does that say about us and our inheritance from Him. 

Are we not supposed to create our lives for his glory?

We should love creatively and live creatively longing for the shadow creativity that we possess to showcase the glory or God in us and to lift us up to where we see him face-to-face for eternity.

We can’t do this alone though. We are created in his image to bear his spirit.  When we let his love and his life abide in us, then and only then can his creative love and life flow out of our existence giving it eternal purpose and value.

One thought on “In the beginning, God created…

  1. hetty4christ

    God is amazing in the ways He created us and still creates us in His own image. We can try to pluck this or change that…but His plans are best and will come thru one way or another!
    We should love what He created for us…has in His plans for us..pray and listen for His response on what we are to do with His plans…He will begin to unfold them in our walk of faith in Him…and share His Word and Glory always with others…along with the testimony we have lived out…that is amazing and helps grabs people-realizing it isn’t all just book from years and yras back! He is my everything…I love you..And thank Him for our connection!
    Hetty Siebens


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