Oh, God, here I am, your servant,
your faithful servant: set me free for your service!
Psalm 116:16 MSG
Even though God saves us and we are now Hischildren serving in the family business magnifying His glory, we must continue daily to get our minds free to this reality so as to serve Him well. To be a faithful servant is to daily come back to Him, even moment-to-moment and surrender everything and ask His help to see from His perspective (renew our minds Romans 12:1-2) and therefore be made free for His service.
Even at the moment of choice of following God or running to self and sin, we can surrender it. Even if we don’t and we fail Him, we can reconcile and pickup with fellowship the very moment after. This is so foreign to us. We think we need to stay away from Him for awhile – grounded in our room, punished. But that time is just wasted time or time which we become resentful. If we run back into His grace right away, our enemies tell us that we are just taking advantage of Him – just taking His grace for granted. We can answer to that – Yes, we are taking advantage of the grace He provided but No, we are not taking it for granted, just accepting in faith that IT IS.
Don’t let Satan trick you into further rebellion. It is a sin to not let the grace of God prevent sin in you but it is also a sin to not accept God’s grace afterwards – why sin twice? Grace gives us strength to overcome sin – both in prevention (1 Corinthians 10:13) and in reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-21)
The sooner we get back to Him, the sooner we really believe the power of His grace, the sooner the power of it keeps us from that sin forever.
Father, please forgive my rebellion of you – thank you for the grace that encompasses and devours all my sin (Psalm 103:12). Father, transform me by the power of your love so that I not only do not sin but that I become your faithful child – set free for your service.